On Wed, Feb 4, 2015 at 1:13 AM, brian carroll <electromagnetize@gmail.com> wrote:
Swedish office gets under employees' skin with RFID microchips; http://www.cnet.com/news/swedish-office-gets-under-employees-skin-with-rfid-... http://www.bbc.com/news/technology-30144072 '"The idea is to become a community that is why they get implants done together," [Mr Sjoblad] says.'
Ahhh yes, cute happy lemmings leading and cheering each other into the blue sea. Unencrypted, readable without their authorization by anyone... A single unique id, rather than a different one for every context... Issued by central authority, rather than by them... No physical blackening function under their control to root out that error soon lodged deep within their brain... No change there, just happy continuation of the same, over the cliff and down the slope they go, wheee what fun they say... Before being forced to become someone else's cyborg (and enjoy their pretty blue pill of a sea), let my last instruction be: terminate program.