On Wed, Aug 7, 2013 at 5:20 PM, Adam Back <adam@cypherspace.org> wrote:
... which would you rather fight: defense of spurious attention arising from a stupid domain name, or I dunno operating a remailer, a tor exit node, a hidden tor server.
why the false dichotomy? do them both!
... If he was prominently using al-qaeda.net you can be sure they'd have spun that into the story.
i also hear he was also a ginger lacking a soul...
There is some history also - recall Jim Bell, he got in some fight over taxes or something stupid,... it was a political discussion which he thought had some merit vs a losers game of tax protestation ending in jail time, anyone can see thats never going to work out.
are you stating that "So, say goodnight to Joshua ..." in the context of a perceived threat against an individuals family is on the same level of offense as a domain name? really?
I wouldnt be so sure that using stupid domain names is entirely safe in the US, europe etc. IMO the US is past its peak in terms of a place of freedom and others have overtaken it.
all the more reason to resist self censorship and cowardice!
Not sure how you recover freedoms from a panopticon state with a one dollar one vote and a 100 billion dollar+ military-spy-industrial complex and a significantly biased politicial- judicial system.
now _this_ is a discussion worthy of the list. and there are lots of ideas :P
You care about crypto deployment, so I dont see the logic in picking the most stupid, unrelated and controversial domain name you can think of hitting as many peoples distaste as you can and use that?
"embracing epithets and culling the useless."
wtf back at you :)
i am indefensible and unreasonable; let's keep me out of this!
I guess we should go write some code!
agreed; on that note a few resources and projects to make this tirade not entirely useless: "Selected Papers in Anonymity" http://freehaven.net/anonbib/author.html [why does this not have an HTTPS URL?] "Bibliography - GNU's Framework for Secure Peer-to-Peer Networking" https://gnunet.org/bibliography?s=author&o=asc "pentest-bookmarks" https://code.google.com/p/pentest-bookmarks/wiki/BookmarksList "Project Byzantium" http://project-byzantium.org/faqs/ [why does this not have an HTTPS URL?] "Dust: A Censorship-Resistant Internet Transport Protocol" https://github.com/blanu/Dust "The Anykernel and Rump Kernels" https://www.netbsd.org/docs/rump/