https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VgUjecJtcOY https://www.zerohedge.com/news/2019-08-22/overstock-ceo-patrick-byrne-quits-... https://saraacarter.com/russia-probe-twist-a-billion-dollar-ceo-a-convicted-... https://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/comments/cu5jbh/what_is_going_on_with_th... http://www.deepcapture.com/ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CX3K3zjtlH0 “Starting in 2015 I (operating under the belief that I was helping legitimate law enforcement efforts) assisted in what are now known as the ‘Clinton Investigation’ and the ‘Russian Investigation’ (in fact, I am the notorious ‘missing Chapter 1’ of the Russian investigation),” he wrote, going on to say that this was “the third time in my life I helped the Men in Black.” Overstock CEO was ordered by Peter Strzok, senior level Bureau Officials, and other higher up Senior Officials to engage in political espionage, political blackmail, and an affair with Maria Butina “I have all the answers. I have been sitting on them waiting for America to get there. Last summer I figured out… what they all are is all about political espionage. It had nothing to do with law enforcement, it was all political espionage. Here’s the bottom line. There is a deep state like a submarine lurking just beneath the waves of the periscope depth watching our shipping lanes. And a nuclear ice breaker called the USS Bill Barr has snuck up on them and is about to ram midship.” “That’s about to happen and I think we’re about to see the biggest scandal in American history as a result. But it was all political. Everything you think you know about Russia and Clinton investigations is a lie,” Byrne told Atman. I think the blockchain revolution will reshape key social institutions. We have designed and breathed life into perhaps the most significant blockchain keiretsu in the world, a network of blockchain firms seeking to revolutionize identity, land governance (= rule of law = potential = capital), central banking, capital markets, supply chains, and voting. In three of those fields (land governance, central banking, and capital markets) the word “trillions” comes up when calculating the disruptive opportunity of blockchain. In those three fields, our blockchain progeny (Medici Land Governance, Bitt, and tZERO, respectively) are arguably the leading blockchain disruptors in existence. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NREbyB6UUu0 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CU4hwxm-w7E https://overstock.com/ First, and still accepts, Bitcoin.