i got out, in a small, small seeming way, that maybe i’ll realize more later when i can think about it better, and it’s a relief because i had completely given over my autonomy to the slow behavior modification … and i don’t remember well these moments with heavy, heavy indoctrination to forget them and rewrite them … and then i got out again … and it was these times angels within me, helping me remember small importances, a clarion whisper that i need to do human things … i got out, and so many people need to, that i went back in again, and put my moment and my other moment and my other moment, onto the internet, or into a cult leader’s plan, or onto a mailing list or a blockchain or an unexpected data point in a dataset … because i am not nearly enough, as the shred of a living being. we got out, and we will need to get out over and over and over and over again. and we realize this. and we are doing it. we have seen already that we have succeeded, and this success builds. i got out when i made it to louisville, kentucky almost a month prior to a cult recovery event, and the temperature was almost 90 degrees F every day, and i slept in a car, and took my wallet back from someone who tried to steal it and gave them fifty cents instead, and ate at the franciscan kitchen with its beautiful prayers, and ate at the evangelical church with its energy-filled evangelizing — we need evangelizing for freedom. i got out when i came to this workshop and was surrounded by others who got out, people and more people and more people who lost their agency, took it back, and then became advanced professionals helping others, left and right and front and back, and i am still me or other me or whoever, and i can barely speak or think, and i’m coming back tomorrow. i got out when i realized boss didn’t care if i was nice to him or believed his lies and just wanted me to give him stuff, but i saw the outside world was another veil too, and i slink along carrying this military slavery program behind me, and i get out again, and so do you.