This seems like a lot of specs for an amnesiac like me to catch up on from such a non-technical article (specs at e.g. but i'm unsure what specific suite people are agreeing upon). It appears like this _might_ or _might not_ give FIDO access to everybody's accounts on every device. One would expect a push for a cloud solution to ease private key management, which past solutions have done. But I haven't reviewed it in depth to see if this is definitely the case. I'm very curious if this is good or bad news. It's certainly great if private keys are becoming a norm for logins. Whether or not there is provision for privately generated and managed keys, and how easy it is to use the services that way, directly relates to whether this is increased freedom or increased totalitarianism. Basically we need a way to keep our logins separate from corruption within governments. Making everything based on private keys makes that space of conflict much more direct. These approaches are in gentle conflict with burgeoning web3 solutions, where keys are generated on-device based on private user passphrases, without need for storage of them.