Biden's Trojan Donkey Team Plots To Put Kunt Kommissar Kamala Harris Into Presidency Since earning the nomination as the 2020 Democratic candidate for the presidency, Joe Biden has stated that he is a “transition candidate.” This was an odd statement, especially for someone who has hardly begun his formal campaign. (He’s not even in office yet and he’s discussing being on the way out?) Yet this was not just another one-off Biden gaff, as has been suggested by some. Since announcing his pick for vice president, he has stated, “Look, I view myself as a bridge, not as anything else.” So what’s up here? The candidate is only a place-holder for the real, intended president? Kamala Harris, his presumptive vice president, dropped out of the presidential race in December 2019, when her popularity amongst democrats dropped to 3.4%. Since democrats make up roughly half of the population, this means that less than 2% of Americans would have wanted her as their president. Two-faced Lockdown Masker Nancy Pelosi Tried to Start some Mask Shit while Unmasked, and Loses. Hell yall. Its the SALON LADY here.😂 Just wanted to say thanks for the support on gofundme. I COULDNT HAVE IMAGINED THIS. Thanks for the follows and retweets. Nancy doesnt get an apology ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸😘 praise the Lord🙏 — Erica (that salon girl)🇺🇸 (@EricaKiou6) September 3, 2020 I wasnt one of you patriots before Nancy was exposed and lied, but i am now #Trump2020Landslide 😽🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸 — Erica (that salon girl)🇺🇸 (@EricaKiou6) September 5, 2020 Nancy Pelosi said she got “set up” by the owner (a very good one) of a beauty parlor. If so, how will she do in negotiations against President Xi of China, President Putin of Russia, or Kim Jong Un of North Korea. Not so well, I suspect, but far better than Joe Hiden’ would do! — Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) September 5, 2020 About-faced political opportunist Kamala Harris traitors rape victims Kamala Harris dodges simple camera moments In September of 2018, Sen. Kamala Harris smeared then-Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh with decades-old sexual assault allegations by Christine Blasey Ford, despite the fact that all witnesses in the 'case' - including a lifelong friend, disputed her account. Fast forward 24 months to Monday, when Harris spoke with accused rapist Jacob Blake - who was paralyzed after being shot four times by a Kenosha, WI police officer while reaching for a weapon during an attempted arrest for violating a restraining order for an alleged sexual assault to which he has pleaded not guilty. Harris spoke with Blake's family, and Blake from his hospital bed, telling the accused rapist she was 'proud' of him, according to the family's attorney, Ben Crump. PROUD of him? He’s accused of breaking into a sleeping woman’s house, sexually assaulting her, humiliating her & later returning to harass her. Then the cops she called for help say he resisted arrest, assaulted them & went for his knife. How about a word for his victim, Senator? -- Megyn Kelly (@megynkelly) September 8, 2020 Harris also said Blake's family is "really wonderful," which we presume includes his very antisemitic father. Jacob Blake Sr. - the father of a Jacob Blake, a black man who was shot four times by police in Kenosha, WI while violating a restraining order for felony sexual assault - is a giant antisemite, anti-Christian, and loves Islamic hate-preacher Louis Farrakhan. And if you're Joe Biden looking to pander to 'woke' Democrats, you meet with said antisemite on Thursday in a bid to score political points over the now-paralyzed Blake Jr., whose shooting sparked violent riots in Kenosha and added gasoline to anti-police protests sweeping the country. Blake Sr., a frequent CNN guest and presence at Black Lives Matter protests since the shooting, has a history of making bigoted comments over social media - which Biden apparently doesn't mind. He's also a 'very interesting' person. Other posts frequently use racist terms against white people, such as “crackers” and others. There are also posts promoting Louis Farrakhan, the racist, antisemitic leader of the Nation of Islam, and denigrating Christianity as a way to fool black people. -Breitbart Right now, most Democrats are extremely hesitant to speak out against the violent protests that we have been witnessing all over the nation, and that is a huge mistake. If Democrats want to win over independent voters, they cannot be seen as siding with such violence. By engaging in such utter lawlessness, these radical protesters are actually hurting their own cause, because it is only going to help President Trump. The more violence that we see, the more the American people are going to want it to stop. If tens of millions of voters believe that “Joe Biden’s America” is an America filled with rioting, looting and violence, that could potentially be enough to push Trump over the top in November. So Joe Biden’s unwillingness to strongly call for law and order may turn out to be his Achilles heel. The way national elections are won in America is by winning over the millions of confused people in the middle, and right now the images of these protests that those confused people are viewing on their television screens are definitely not helping Democrats. FAR left protesters have burned American flags outside Trump Tower and the White House. Video shows the Stars and Stripes being burned just outside the White House as the demonstrators chanted “America was never great”. Does anyone out there actually think that such stunts will make the confused people in the middle more likely to vote for Democrats? But no matter who wins in November, it appears that we have now entered a new era of violence and rioting in this country. Many of our major cities already resemble war zones, and what we have experienced so far is just the beginning.