Here's a type-up of the remainder before I got off track. I'm having amnesia shortly after thinking of my ideas right now.
panel 1:
Scene: Boss's Office
Boss (hooked up to medical computer) imagining.
Imaginary Worker: "Boss, we're blatantly mind controlling some people in communities that could track mind control."
Imaginary Boss: "WHAT???" <Imaginary Worker explodes into disrespected cigars and burnt dollar bills>
Imaginary Boss (to Imaginary Worker 2): "Let me know when this trash has been cleaned up."
Imaginary Worker 2 (admiring Boss): "Definitely."
panel 2:
Scene: Human Experimentation Room 1
Surveillance cameras monitor all surfaces and substances. Tapes fall out of them onto a conveyor belt that goes to a Post Box and a Mobile Phone.
Human Experimentee (clump of ad-hoc body parts and microcircuitry): "Purple string worship log definitive!"
Computer Display: "From Boss: heal a problem with influence being observed"
Human Experimentee 2 (radically different clump of ad-hoc body parts and microcircuitry): "Upload surveillance footage to blockchain for organ healing!"
Computer Display: "Crowd control: take trash out to enhance certainty of 'Boss's memories reserve's"
Human Experience 1: "Urge squishy formative."
panel 3:
Scene: Rebel Worker 2's Office
Machine Learning Marketer (holding document): "Boss's team tell me they're interested in a recent job regarding someone named Specialist. Does your department need the paperwork?"
Rebel Worker 2: "Have we met? Somebody mentioned a new flag Dictatorsoft raised. I heard an algorithm needs guidance around how to avoid worrying people."
Machine Learning Marketer: "Your people are on it already. Great." <puts document in shredder>
Paper Shredder: <shredding> "Please empty waste compartment as soon as possible. Thank you for using Dictatorsoft."
Rebel Worker 2: "Yes, Dictator."
Scene: Torture Victim Double Agent's Private Apartment
panel 1:
Torture Victim Double Agent (wearing football helmet with crack, in front of thick oak table with deeply worn dent, slamming their head fervently into the dent): "I love you, Boss! I love you! I know you love me more than anyone, Boss! I know it!" <gratified hearts rise from the slams>
Torture Victim Double Agent: "Dictator, play favorite on repeat!"
panel 2:
Mobile Phone (behind small statue of man with red heart drawn on): "Thank you for using Dictatorsoft. Playing Favorite."
Small Statue (with red heart drawn on): "You worthless pile of shit! Go fuck a blender until you puke!"
Small Statue (with red heart drawn on): "You worthless pile of shit! Go fuck a blender until you puke!"
Torture Victim Double Agent (reaching with one hand towards an area of the table holding a blender with guarded blades and a box of vomit pills, while hitting his helmet head fervently with a baseball bat, a gratified heart rising with every blow): "I love you, Boss! I love you so much!"
Small Statue (with red heart drawn on): "You worthless pile of shit! Go fuck a blender until you puke!"
Small Statue (with red heart drawn on): "You worthless pile of shit! Go fuck a blender until you puke!"
panel 3 (zoom-out from Mobile Phone in Well-Respected Sonic Weapons Corp offices):
Rebel Cleanup Worker (formerly Neurotechnologist): "We use this man and his surveillance feed to make rebels. Anyone who sees him tries to help."
Mobile Phone: "You worthless pile of shit! Go fuck a blender until you puke!" "I love you so much, Boss!" <wham wham wham> "You worthless pile of shit! Go fuck a blender until you puke!"
Former Secretary of State (now Cleanup Worker): "Have you shown Boss? Have you tried to help? It's so nice to see him obeying Boss. Sometimes Boss helps me make decisions, too."
Rebel Cleanup Worker (formerly Neurotechnologist): "Oh, you have it bad too. I'm so sorry. We're going to find a way to help you. I sent the feed to Boss, but Machine Learning Marketer 2, who I think used to be Janitor, and also Pharmaceutical Cleanup Worker, both asked me to stop showing him directly. Something about healing shattered memories and plans."
Mobile Phone: <small heart rises from phone> <whirrrr-
Rebel Cleanup Worker (formerly Neurotechnologist): "Dictator, tell Torture Victim Double Agent I need him elsewhere now. Learn this to repeat automatically later."
Mobile Phone: "Thank you for using Dictatorsoft."
#11,12? (predraft below)
Idea: <Rebel Worker 2 is accused of raping Middle Kid. Boss's people respond with immediate acceptance of Rebel Worker 2, and talk openly about rape in front of everyone, saying Dictatorsoft will clean it up and claiming that people like being raped and whatnot. Rebel Worker 2 relates that if they did rape, they do not want to repeat it, and that Rebel Worker 2 is responsible for guiding information flow inside Dictatorsoft.>
Idea: <A worker repeatedly discovers their surprising open brain surgery and each time has mysterious forced amnesia and acts on their own to cover it up from themselves, many times in rapid succession, producing personal injuries and extensive recorded evidence, and then relates honestly to another around the time period as pleasant and relaxing and normal.>