> John Newman jnn at synfin.org
> Tue Feb 21 11:25:51 PST 2017
> How about the 3million+ illegal votes he repeatedly brings up?
For 2 million illegal registered claim, here are two links referencing the same "study":
http:// washingtontimes.com/news/2017/feb/15/nearly-2-million-non-citizen-hispanics-illegally-r/
http:// infowars.com/up-to-2-million-non-citizens-illegally-registered-to-vote-in-the-us/
For 800,000 illegal votes claim, here is an article:
http:// washingtontimes.com/news/2017/jan/26/hillary-clinton-received-800000-votes-from-nonciti/
I see 3 and 5 mil claims but original quote was “if you deduct the millions of people who voted illegally.” then said “Forget that. Forget all that. Just take a look at the registration and we’re going to do it.”.
> His claim that his win was the biggest electoral win in decades?
It was, following Bush Sr. and Obama, lol. Top three seems legit. Besides, he was fed that false statement right before he spoke, it seems.
Here is a video:
https:// youtube.com/watch?v=v0Qeq3qVUzM
> His claim the US murder rate is the highest in 47 years?
The national rate is not comparable to local rates, such as Chicago, which are up.
Here are some links with numbers:
https:// wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_U.S._states_by_homicide_rate
https:// ucr.fbi.gov/crime-in-the-u.s/2013/crime-in-the-u.s.-2013/violent-crime/murder-topic-page/murdermain_final
http:// time.com/4607059/murder-rate-increase-us-cities-2016/
http:// infowars.com/fbi-us-homicide-rate-at-51-year-low/
Here is some execution shit covering exactly 47 years:
http:// deathpenaltyinfo.org/murder-rates-nationally-and-state
http:// deathpenaltyinfo.org/deterrence-states-without-death-penalty-have-had-consistently-lower-murder-rates
Rates have lowered, it seems, lol.
It seems that this is some 8D chess, where the President claims a pro gun-censorship "fact" to shed light on the reality that as guns and "mass shootings" increase in number and occurrence, death rates are actually eaual-to or lower-than the late 60's, "when kids were safe to just play the streets".
Keep in mind:
The killing of a felon by a peace officer in the line of duty.""
The killing of a felon, during the commission of a felony, by a private citizen.""
Because these killings are determined through law enforcement investigation to be justifiable, they are tabulated separately from murder and nonnegligent manslaughter.""
And to your point, quotes are "45 years"; accusation that you are a lying shill would be false, while reality that you mispoke or misremebered (or were fed disinformation) becomes more likely. Pay that respect to your president.
> immigration executive order
Still unraveling, fam.
> He NEVER made fun of the disabled reporter, right?
He did not; he was imitating a standard retard. Which Kovaleski is, a mental retard.
Here is a video from your pals CiEnEn:
https:// youtube.com/watch?v=PX9reO3QnUA
> It goes on and on and on
It does. Keep up with shilling. Maybe your family will be spared by the marxists for helping them regain power. I wish you the best, comrade Newman.
We expect more from a confirmed hiphop-head.