On Tue, Aug 23, 2016 at 11:22:09PM +0000, Sean Lynch wrote:
On Tue, Aug 23, 2016 at 4:07 PM juan <juan.g71@gmail.com> wrote:
On Tue, 23 Aug 2016 22:34:32 +0000 Sean Lynch <seanl@literati.org> wrote:
It seems to me the most likely explanation is that we all love a good conspiracy theory and there in fact is no NWO.
So 'institutions' or gangs like the IMF, the world bank, the WHO, the UN, WTO, etc, etc, don't really exist.
Did I say that? They obviously exist. I just don't think it's particularly meaningful to talk about them collectively as part of a "New World Order". It's a charged term that means different things to different people and implies a vast conspiracy that doesn't really exist.
How about use terms in their literal sense: "world order" meaning the entities which have control and power in the world, and "new world order" meaning possible future changes in the existing order?
And transnational US military contractors like google don't exist either.
The only military contracts I'm aware of were inherited from Boston Dynamics. AFAIK no new ones were negotiated while Google has owned them, and Google is selling them.
Your a google apologist. Goes with the territory of being paid by google.
But this is clearly just a dig at me rather than being intended to add anything to the discussion anyway, so whatever.
Prior to this discussion, I had not committed into my memory that Google had bought a USA military (-related) company. Goolges "do no evil" is ever more distant. And seriously, what's the least visible way for any large company to get in bed with the military? Buy a company, get right in bed, then sell it and pretend you're washing your hands by doing so, keeping that clean corporate face. Reminder: The USA government and MIC is droning people to death, every single day, ongoingly, in many "sovereign" nations, outside of any "international law", outside of any judicial process or rule of law. This is absolutely abhorrent. The Boston Dynamics episode demonstrates Google's more than tacit support for this USA droning and endless war program.