On Tue, Feb 28, 2017, at 3:59 PM, Mirimir <mirimir@riseup.net> wrote:
The SSS concept involves decoys to identify assholes, followed by assassins to eliminate them.
There'll be peace after they're all dead :)
No, my love, sorry, I think it is not the way. I don't want any blood in my hands. These people need education, psychological and psychiatric support, no more hate and intolerance. I don't like the idea of an artificial, politically correct world, and I am not talking about pretending to be a perfect person to be accepted in our hypocrite society, but about sincerely trying to understand other points of view and explain why you think they are correct or not, about trying to change the world using words, facts and good actions, using logic and truth instead of more violence, more deaths, more cruel hate acts. :((