Existance of vote fraud and any "reforms" is moot since all current and past government and politicians and democracies use "voting" to in immoral violent fraudulent thieving ways of exerting non freedom over others. Thus are frauds and force upon you too, none of which you actually need to live freely and to leave other people who have done nothing to you alone. Explore Voluntaryism Libertarian etc instead. Live freely.
Voter ID laws are interesting for how divisive they are.
Again, cypherpunks and others already created agnostic freedom preserving voting methods that can be used by voluntary subscribers. Politicians create the divides to dazzle you into their continued taking of more power and freedom from you. You never see any politician living life to reduce government power control permission theft violence, reduce the "voted" "law" books, and to increase actual freedom, except perhaps a few rare vocal ones such as Ron Paul... they get involuntarily forcibly forced out. Nor you ever see government opening fair paths for other parties Libertarian Voluntary Anarchism getting elected to do that task, existing parties ever since the Kings... always act to suppress freedom. For example, Adam Kokesh ran on that task platform recently... https://kokeshforpresident.com/ https://youtube.com/watch?v=mM_WVUS6KAg Non Aggression Principle in Occupy DC Of course now that Youtube and Facebook and Twitter and Etc censor the fuck out of everyone (contrary to their early GovCorp years), far fewer people will be seeing and learning Libertarian or any other form of freedom ever again on those social nets. Just remember it was the Democrats and the Dem Left heads of these GovCorps that initiated the mass wave of bulk censorship up to and throughout 2020 and beyond. And you, your family friends and progeny are all less free for it. Seek out freedom on the uncensored networks.