Senator Gillibrand:
We have a Peace Cow idea in Asia.
Can we count on you and your support on the Peace Cow?
Your message below states, "more cows than Democrats" ... Rhetorically I don't know how many Peace Cows there are in the World.
There could be more Democrats than Peace Cows. Either way, please let me know if we have your general support on our Peace Cow approach.
Thank you,
Gunnar Larson
---------- Forwarded message ---------
Kirsten Gillibrand <>Date: Thu, Jan 16, 2025, 11:19 AM
Subject: I'm honored to serve as Chair of the DSCC.
To: <>
Friend -- It's Kirsten Gillibrand, and I am incredibly honored to serve as your new DSCC Chair.
How do you win tough battles? Here's how I do it: First, evaluate the situation. Then, make your case. Finally, never stop fighting.
It's how I won a long-shot congressional race in a deep-red district -- one where I was told there were "more cows than Democrats". And it's how we'll take back the Senate.
I'll need you by my side to get it done, so will you chip in $5 or more right now to flip the Senate blue? >>
The new GOP majority isn't taking a rest, so neither can we. Plus, we've got a whole bunch of tough -- but winnable -- races on the horizon. If we flip enough of those states, we'll take back the Senate -- that's our situation.
Now it's time for step two: We've got to start making our case to voters. But that takes money and resources -- and right now, we're starting at square one after a hard-fought 2024 campaign.
We can't let the GOP control the narrative just because Trump will control the White House. We won't forgive ourselves if we lose winnable races because when we had a chance to refill our coffers and make our case, we fell short.
As the new Chair of the DSCC, I've launched an immediate $50,000 fundraising goal to PROVE our commitment to flipping the Senate. Will you donate $5 right away to demonstrate you'll never stop fighting? That's the final step to victory -- and there's not a moment to lose:
We need your help to fight for the Senate. If you've saved payment info with ActBlue Express, your donation will be processed immediately.
With gratitude,
Kirsten Gillibrand DSCC Chair