Now here's an angle I have not seen before - historical nation state wide religious changes. Interesting if true. ----- Forwarded message from Gil May <gilmay97@gmail.com> ----- Date: Thu, 16 Feb 2017 20:27:32 +1000 From: Gil May <gilmay97@gmail.com> To: reader@hotmail.com.au Bcc: zenaan@gmail.com Subject: The path of Islam is always the same. Afghanistan was once a Buddhist Nation Pakistan was once Hindu Lebanon was Christian. Do you see the established pattern? Today they are all Islamic nations. Europe will be the next to fall Then America------and Australia The path of Islam is always the same. 1 Establish a Mosque 2 Create an enclave 3 Grow the population 4 Claim victimhood 5 Resist host authorities & Customs 6 Exploit Lawfare 7 Institute Shari Law 8 Secede 9 Take Control