Bitmessage - Anonymous, Encrypted, Secure Messaging, Chans, and Broadcasts -------------------------------------------------------------------------- There is a uncensorable messaging and discussion network, Bitmessage. It is a decentralized and trustless peer-to-peer protocol. It sports a slick graphical interface that works like a mail client. The UX is snappy and easy even for Grandma. Management of cryptography keys and signing is automatic under the hood and is never exposed to the end user. It is an order of magnitude easier to use than PGP or GnuPG. Bitmessage works like the old mixnets or remailers but much more securely. It is highly resistant to eavesdropping and censorship. The lead developer is from the old cypherpunk culture. Bitmessage has several useful features: * Connect via Tor * Anonymous chans * Anonymous broadcasts * Anonymous distributed mailing list repeaters * Private messaging addresses * Automatic management of all cryptography keys You can run bitmessage in a firejail on Linux for extra extra security. We've found only one security hole in over six years of development, and we're pretty confident that it is very secure "out of the box" at this time. If you want to help the network please configure a node to accept incoming connections to increase the speed and security of the network against traffic analysis. The more peers that accept incoming connections the more resilient the network becomes. Please share this resource with all the mailing lists to which you are subscribed, with your friends, and on bulletin boards. I hope to see you on the Bitmessage channel, [chan] cypherpunks. To subscribe to this chan in Bitmessage, click on the 'Chans' tab, then click the 'Add chan' button, then enter the passphrase 'cypherpunks' and click OK. The crypto community has been hijacked by shills who try to control the discussion and keep people in the dark about the sad state of privacy. There are a lot of pro-law-enforcement shills who are trying to move us into back-doored crypto. The "leaders" have hidden agendas. They keep rolling out broken cryptography full of security holes (how convenient), then tell the rest of us to never roll our own crypto (how inconvenient for them), that we should put all our eggs in their leaky basket. a old cypherpunk