On Tue, 15 Dec 2020 20:49:40 +0000 coderman <coderman@protonmail.com> wrote:
‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ Original Message ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ On Tuesday, December 15, 2020 8:34 PM, Punk-BatSoup-Stasi 2.0 <punks@tfwno.gf> wrote:,, Level3-NSA. SHITFLARE
public DNS is a shit show, but with consumer routers you get to pick the least shitty option.
those are less shitty than ISP nameservers,
DUDE! How can you say that with a straight face.
Cox and Comcast resolvers some of the worst...
at worst they are no different than shitflare-NSA. Your pro-even-more-centralization position is absurd.
one alternative would be to put a Pi-Hole between you and your ISP router. then you can do things like DoH by default: https://docs.pi-hole.net/guides/dns-over-https/
best regards,
P.S. yes, DoH also a shitshow, but at least your ISP can't sniff to monetize invasion of your privacy...
my ISP doesn't do that. Or at least it's a marginally less harmful threat than shitflare-NSA.