On Sat, May 21, 2022, 9:59 AM Undiscussed Horrific Abuse, One Victim of Many <gmkarl@gmail.com> wrote:
On Thu, May 12, 2022, 11:13 AM Undiscussed Horrific Abuse, One Victim of Many <gmkarl@gmail.com> wrote:
On Fri, Apr 29, 2022, 4:36 PM Undiscussed Horrific Abuse, One Victim of Many <gmkarl@gmail.com> wrote:
2022-03-21 thru 2022-03-27: [X] Week 1 of Wim Hof Cold Protocol, 30 seconds cold water daily. Performed indoors.
2022-03-28 thru 2022-04-12: [ ] it simply got harder and harder to shower at all as I stretched the cold water time toward 1:30 in week 2 and discovered my water could be made colder than I had had it before
2022-04-14 thru 2022-04-15: [X] Custom protocol reacclimation, ramped up in five second intervals from 5 seconds to 30 seconds, every time I ate
2022-04-16 thru 2022-04-22: [X] Ramped up from 35 seconds through 60 seconds, in 5 second intervals, every time I ate
2022-04-22 1930 ET: [X] 65 seconds
2022-05-14 1208 ET: [X] 1:55 colder water, food after.
Running the water a trickle seemed to help the temperature. See if I can do a week of 2:00 .
2022-05-15 1349 ET: [X] 2:00 cold water, medium-hard
2022-05-16 1254 ET: [X] 2:00 water, medium-easy, food after
The water didn't really feel cold. I'm a little worried about the warm weather. But it did feel somewhat cold. I let another faucet drip to try to cool it.
2022-05-18 0625 ET: [X] 2:00 cold water, medium. with food
I was shivering _before_ I got in, so ran the water warm for a bit.
2022-05-19 1030 ET: [X] shower 4 day 5, 2:00 cold water, medium. with food.
2022-05-20 0840 ET: [X] shower 5 day 6, 2:00, easy, w/ food
2022-05-20 1459 ET: [X] shower 6 day 6, 2:00, medium-hard, w/ food
water was much colder. I showered twice because of amnesia and confusion, I didn't realise.
2022-05-21 0957 ET: [X] shower 7 day 7, 2:00, medium-easy, food after
i've been focusing on my face, since that's the most exposed part in the winter, but my face got easier and I noticed my arms and hands got cold and focused on them. my family has reynauld's syndrome (where your extremities get colder), so it's pleasant to think of strengthening them, which I have in the past.
this is day 7 of 2:00 so I totally did it ! gotta find something new in that book.
2022-05-21 1739 ET: 2:00 cold water, food expected after 2022-05-22 0441 ET: 2:05 cold water, food after, medium I haven't found what to do next yet, but it seems just basic stretching of one's regions of comfort. I stopped doing the warm water prior and added five seconds again. 2022-05-24 0750 ET: 2:05, without food, no warm water before, water not cooled prior, easy-medium It's harder to go full in at the start. I remembered going into cold water when young, and "took the plunge" here. This seemed to help a lot. I've had another task going, so didn't add five seconds because they are associated, and I didn't want to stress it. Feeling more confident. Put my head and arms in the water, arms and hands didn't get nearly as cold like they have been earlier. I briefly skimmed more of the book and didn't immediately see more clear protocols to push things further, but I did see enough of other practices listed to get some idea. He also mentioned you can go further with other resources he has. I'm still working the cold shower, but other ideas include: - ice water - looking for more books, or checking his online courses 2022-05-24 1910 ET: [X] 2:05 cold water, medium-easy 2022-05-25 0520 ET: [X] 2:05 with food, medium-easy, cooled water a little 2022-05-26 1106 ET: [X] 2:10 food some time after, medium-easy, water not cooled The water felt cold although it wasn't cooled. I focused on my hands and face. Often I hang at a time because it was really hard to increase when the time was short. I suspect I can keep increasing it here, since it gets a smaller and smaller proportion. [a number of days were not recorded; some quite easy] 2022-05-29 0707 ET: [X] 2:20 with food, medium-easy, water very cold This morning was a new state of mind for me, associated with some work I've been doing. 2022-06: [ ]a number of these didn't get notated. i suddenly and mostly stopped both doing them and eating food (!) after great success. i have an ongoing, multi-day experience similar to a psychotic break, where it feels like my inhibitions are continuously active and it is hard to direct my body or thoughts. events that preceded the stopping: - water temperature got much colder - stopped publicly noting my showers - engaged a strong inhibition that i hadn't previously experienced during the effort, associated with personal resistance work online (new arweave code) - shower time was greater than 2 minutes - experienced a connection issue with a local group; for some reason their emails are never delivered to me any more, and kept learning of this as i was visiting them to volunteer. was a racial justice farm. - expanded the shower approach to also encompass a todo list. "todo list" is a very strongly inhibited concept for me and often causes these big psychotic inhibitions. i was at 53 seconds on my todo list attempts; these are logged in https://github.com/fuzzyTew/todo/blob/master/logistics/todo.log and https://github.com/xloem/todo/blob/master/logistics/todo.log