On Tue, 20 Dec 2016 21:21:27 +0000 (UTC) jim bell <jdb10987@yahoo.com> wrote:
This essay by Christopher Cantwell pretty much destroys the "libertarians must be in favor of open borders" idea.
"For a libertarian, the answer may at first seem quite obvious, open borders." "Governments obtain everything they have from coercive violence, and thus have no legitimate claim to control what are commonly considered public spaces." That is the libertarian position. It is then REJECTED by cuntwell because it is not 'practical'. "A practical and strategic problem then presents itself." So I hope that now Jim won't misrepresent what I say and won't pretend that I'm misrepresenting cantwell. Notice also how there's an obvious LIBERTARIAN patch for the alleged problem. Have open borders and don't give any 'welfare' to immigrants. Oddly enough, arch-clown cantwell 'forgets' to mention that option. But even the likes of cantwell can't be that stupid. PS : Let me know when you Jim and cantwell start deporting statist but 'legal' americans. There must be some >250 millions of them? J.