OHAI, This is very interesting, and I'd love cpunks opinion on it: http://unhandledexpression.com/2013/12/17/telegram-stand-back-we-know-maths/ Please note: http://unhandledexpression.com/2013/12/17/telegram-stand-back-we-know-maths/... "Telegram backer, Pavel Durov, will give $200,000 in BTC to the first person to break the Telegram encrypted protocol. Starting today, each day Paul (+79112317383) will be sending a message containing a secret email address to Nick (+79218944725). In order to prove that Telegram crypto was indeed deciphered and claim your prize, send an email to the secret email address from Paul’s message." inb4 "this does not tackle server MITM problem" no, no it doesn't; still, an interesting bet. -- Pozdr rysiek