still works. May want to use ALQ comsec for surefire inescapable gravity of the galaxy's ravenous spy black dwarves. Ref: Inspire magazine 2010:
At first I frowned and wondered why. Then I thought it was likely a
joke and if it wasn't then what's the problem with al-qaeda? Also a distinct lack of right-to-left garbage spewing at me.
(to clarify, this list used to have the address, until liberals afraid of their own shadow forced it into more neutral territory. Many people joined at that point, somewhat diluting the existing radicalism.)
Of course putting things into the people's hands (truly and irrevocably) is something that's very cypherpunk. In that sense it's also very anarchist, as permission from anyone is not required to take that power.
This isn't a hard concept to grasp.
-- Sent from Ubuntu