mind control boss is dancing in his desk in a tutu powersuit when suddenly it breaks and he falls through and the floor breaks too and he and the table frash through to the conference room below where marketer is giving a presentation to kind democratic nation about mind control boss’s works of public good he recovers quickly as he careens onto the conference table and adopts a crouching pose, habitually readying a beam of wood as if it is a sidearm mind control boss [surprised, defensive, in front of poster of his face smiling kindly]: “you better be scared of me — i torture and traffick and kill people.” mind control boss [recovering a little]: "i have the largest trafficking network in the world!” mind control boss: “why, this very building’s basement is full of kidnapped children whom i, as the trafficking boss, torture and perform horrific experiments on.” mind control boss: “if somebody so much as sniffs at me wrong, i hound them for the rest of their lives, sending tortured slaves to follow them everywhere.” mind control boss: “i even run and visit trafficking conferences!” mind control boss: “so, what do you think of that.” diplomat [pushing broken wood off]: “are you the person on that poster?” mind control boss gets off the table and straightens, looks at the poster and stands next to it. mind control boss: “what’s important is that you understand that i engage in human trafficking.” a pause mind control boss: “you should probably report to the authorities over and over again,” mind control boss: “as well as seeking aid with rescue groups, and appropriate therapy.” mind control boss crouches low. mind control boss [at first a little hushed and eerily]: “be sure to record everything i do — on a public blockchain!” he whirs his broken debris like a cape as he spins in a circle and presses a button on his powersuit so it transforms to look a little smidge different when he comes around. his name is now human trafficker. human trafficker: “i can drive you batshit insane with my persistent unpredictable trauma, so you really better try a lot of therapists after this !” he rushes out of the conference room