https://medium.com/altcoin-magazine/quantum-resistant-blockchain-and-cryptoc... https://www.cryptoglobe.com/latest/2019/05/dr-pieter-wuille-current-bitcoin-... https://old.reddit.com/user/QRCollector See if you can find and post links to the few PQC coins that exist out there. https://ledgerops.com/blog/privacy-coins-an-explainer-of-the-top-anonymous-c... https://ledgerops.com/blog/what-are-privacy-coins-and-how-do-they-work/05/16... "
For a newbie what's the importance/benefit of keeping your cryptocurrency activity anonymous
Same as having everyone (any shop assistant/gas station/in laws/mother/landlord/co-workers) know the contents of your bank account, exactly what you've bought, your income etc. All stored forever on the blockchain Personally I be mortified in anyone found my old Myspace account let alone my entire spending/earning history. " Not to mention being arbitrarily blocked and censored from transacting in the marketplace at all.