On Wed, Aug 30, 2017 at 05:40:46PM -0700, Razer wrote:
On 08/30/2017 11:45 AM, grarpamp wrote:
Just as with Dailystormer and dozens to hundreds of other controversial sites past and present, whether HTML, IRC, filesharing, or simple p2p messaging, Stormfront will be back online as a .i2p or .onion, or on whatever other censorship resistant overlay networks exist.
These cryptos and nets are mainstream now, where others fail, expect them.
I expect Fascism is eternal... http://www.nybooks.com/articles/1995/06/22/ur-fascism/
Ps. Promoting the extermination of anyone based on an unalterable trait is a little 'above the bar' that would generally be called "controversial" in ANY society. That's why these scumbag-operated domains get shut down.
Do you admit satire, black humour, any humour for that matter? Are you able to distinguish humour as it arises from the internal causes of an individual human? And are you able to properly assess the nature of a human when you witness them type some words which can on their face, genuinely be interpreted as humorous by some other humans? Or is free humorous speech another one of these "less equal than other free speech" things just like you hold that some facts are less equeal than others?