Of course the banks are not going to like a system that shows promise of at least partially replacing them. Hopefully people step up to defend the right of people to peacefully own what they choose to own, and disallow banks from having this sort of power.

I'm guessing this article may have already been shared, but I think this is too important to go unspoken.

"Whistleblower Details Big Bank’s Plans to Prohibit Employees Owning Bitcoin"


From the page: "Nordea Bank Whistleblower
Word spread 12 January 2018 on Twitter Nordea Bank “forbids all their employees (at least in Sweden) to stop owning and trading $btc and other crypto currency. This applies to secretaries, IT personal [sic], cleaners and any bank staff employed by the company. Is it legal even?,” asked Twitter user @samisin."

Joseph Frazier
Relentlessly Focused Action