These are private messages for Juan.  Just my messages, not his answers.

I was re-reading dozens of messages and 90% of my manifestations about moderation x censorship to him were private, so I won't send them to the list, sorry.

Juan provoked me asking about how much I know about his free time and the answer is almost everything, but I never will tell anything to anyone, because it would be disgusting, a horrible lack of ethics, pretty wrong.  I still like him a lot, but I can _not_ trust him anymore.

"I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it."

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Cecilia Tanaka <>
Date: Wed, Jun 22, 2016 at 9:42 PM
Subject: Re: [Private] Juan... (was Re: Hi, Boyce!)
To: juan <>

Ah, please, don't send this message to other persons or to a list, Juan!  I have enough problems and I am feeling pretty humilliated until now.

Thanks in advance.  My life, my death, my rules.  I don't care about a lot of unknowed people oppinions, but it is pretty annoying to receive moralist messages.


On Jun 22, 2016 9:29 PM, "Cecilia Tanaka" <> wrote:

Ah, a lovely example for showing you why the moderation team can be important, Juan...

Today earlier, I talked about my own suicide to a friend.  He was stupid enough for fowarding my private message to a German list, asking for help.

Now, I am trying to learn the worst German bad words before answering to any possible message.  Uff, I had more interesting things to do today...  :((

The only certain fact in the life is the death.  Why can't I choose when and how without being judged?  Everybody can be selfish and it is ok, it is considered 'normal'.  Why can't I be a little selfish too?  :-/

Phew, as I said before, hard times...  I can't live in peace, I can't die in peace...  The world is becoming pretty boring and finding sane good people is almost impossible now...  :-/