On Wed, May 14, 2014 at 09:03:50AM -0700, jim bell wrote:
I guess I'm still not being clear. It would be my way of objecting to a court's ordering the telecom company that I might work for (or, one day, that I might own?!?) to present an "electronically-readable" form of the telephone metadata of millions of telephones. The judge ordered that; my sneaky response would be to generate an "electronically-readable" file, basically a pdf file or a series of same, itself with an image that looks like "captcha" information: relatively easy for a human to read, but rather difficult for any computer to turn into easily-useable (searchable) information. In other words, the information would be presented to the NSA, but it would be essentially unuseable without being (first) human-decoded.
assuming this is correct: http://googleonlinesecurity.blogspot.de/2014/04/street-view-and-recaptcha-te... then googlestreetview tech is better at solving captchas than humans.