On Thu, 21 Jan 2016 14:33:02 -0800 Rayzer <Rayzer@riseup.net> wrote:
juan wrote:
Doesn't your fucking herd have the divine collective right to identify you?
Existence shouldn't be regulated by the society you are part of but your actions and behaviors might very well be to ensure the survival of the 'herd' if not the species.
Safer you sit alone in a dark room in front of a glowing screen as a 'socialization process' Juan. The "herd" would instinctively trample you.
Here's one of my herd, at rest: http://auntieimperial.tumblr.com/post/126592562829
I'm not really following. You think the collective can trample 'selfish' individuals? That's exactly why the US is a police state that aims at becoming a global police state. You think it's not 'ok' for the police to become 'militarized'? On what grounds? 'Militarization' of the police is the will of the collective and is needed for the survival of the (american) species. Police 'militarization' is of course mostly bullshit, in the sense that the police were always the same murdering shitbags. The fact that now their true nature is a bit more obvious (to some) because they have bigger guns, is, if anything, a good thing. J.