On Sun, Nov 27, 2016 at 08:03:58AM -0800, Razer wrote:
Naked Capitalism, one of the better known alt-econ sites is on the list, and so is Black Agenda Report. One of the best researched most reliable sources of alt-news for Black folk.
Having the lame stream media's definitive list is great! I'd never been on drudge report before for example, and I'll definitely check out Naked Capitalism. the MSM couldn't provide better advertising to the fake news if they tried! And since Putin is the underminer of all Western democracies from France to the USA, Brexit to Germany, we get the perfect photo juxta ops: http://dailycaller.com/2016/11/25/russian-propaganda-media-black-list-includ... The death throws of this dying dragon are amazing. As someone (presumably on the Russian propaganda lists we now see) pointed out a month or two ago - the western "main stream" media, across Western nations, has built the image of Putin into a simply incredible character - underminer of all democracies - evil challenger to the hegemony empire - dictator historical unprecedented - destroyer of all things good - defeater of Hillary Clinton and the entire DNC party - oppressor of his own people - enemy of all 'good' nations - epitomy of all evil - with no single redeeming feature besides his iron fist. (That photo crop from the article above is a poignant reminder of this Putin reality of course - he accepts full blame and responsibility for all this, evidently!) Just as well Australia's Tony Abbot promised to shirft-front Putin - the world would have descended into chaos by now if he had of shirked (or is that "shirted") his responsibility to "protect us all" from such heinous bandits - I guess they could not show us this shirt fronting publicly because the slaying of the evil Putin with a shirt fronting would have been inopportune timing. Nice to know I'm finally getting to read "the fucking worst, and absolutely least relevant" sites in the world - desperate to level up my Deplorability, gotta get up there! :D (By way of explanation, I've had to update my .sig, yet again ;( Nothing like the "tolerant left": http://www.wnd.com/2016/11/electoral-college-voters-deluged-with-death-threa... " One of Michigan’s 16 electors who will be called upon to cast a vote validating the election of Donald Trump in the Electoral College has testified on video that he and others in the state are receiving “dozens and dozens of death threats” from Hillary Clinton supporters urging them to switch their votes to Clinton. " Z -- Certified (R) Deplorable (TM) Fake News (TM) Which Hunter (C) Executive Secretary of Vice, The Ministry of Winning Shilling for buxom Russian swastika clad minxes (C) 1988