On 11/20/2016 09:49 PM, jim bell wrote:
Oh!  I see you are justifying robbing people based on the mere assertion that they can 'afford' it.

No. I justify it on the fact that they're the criminals and taxes appropriately applied are really a form of restitution. If they don't like it they can hire an army. They can afford it. After all that's how they robbed the rest of us in the first place.

Thing is taxes aren't appropriately applied. That 50% tax on the wealthy you speak of doesn't really exist after deductions and writedowns nd donations of high-heeled shoes to the Haiti relief fund. Right? Some wealthy people pay less taxes than that guy living in a box in a field. Actually most wealthy people pay almost nothing percentage-wise after all the bennies their plutocrat friends write into tax codes compared to their UNEARNED (as in they didn't actually work or produce anything useful to society) income.

And then there's sales tax, which rips workers off way out of proportion to the wealthy.

It's not the tax. It's how it's collected, and certainly how it's disbursed (almost all of it to the war machine owned or invested in by the wealthy.)

I suppose you actually believe that bullshit about hard work and determination leading to affluence too.
