Rose McGowan rocks! And the avalanche is truly happening - large real time log here makes it easy to follow this snowball from purgatory: http://www.breitbart.com/big-hollywood/2017/10/09/harvey-weinstein-scandal-l... On Fri, Oct 13, 2017 at 11:00:46AM +1100, Zenaan Harkness wrote:
As "Colt Seavers" writes in response to Twitter's banning of Rose McGowan:
wait until folks feel safe enough to reveal who the pedos are.. that may be the end of Hollywood. #rosearmy
Never a truer word spoken...
Here's a great one:
Deplorable🤠Rāzərbak BREAKING: Twitter Suspends #BenAffleck. I Kid, They Suspended Sex Harassment VICTIM Rose McGowan For Calling Ben Out.
It's time folks - get it out there, speak your truth, expose the facts - this avalanche is now getting going :)
Nice to see Twitter showing their true “progressive” cred...
Sinking of the (((Hollywood Titanic))) in a few weeks as more and more Rose McGowan's get the balls, or the ovaries, to speak out. Truly good times folks - enjoy this ride :)
On Fri, Oct 13, 2017 at 10:50:57AM +1100, Zenaan Harkness wrote:
Rose McGowan, a true lefty (not the fake "elite" Liberal Lefty's of Hollywood) could use some assistance right now...
The true 'political left', who actually fight for women's rights, dignity of all people, and other principles that most would unequivocally support, are of course suppressed by the censorship (sorry, "moderation") imposed upon all those not aligned with those evil "elites" who dominate so much of our public lives today.
Lauren Weinstein's endless drum beating campaign for the Google, the Facebook and the Twitter to censor those people that (((Lauren))) does not like, comes right on around to censor everyone who is in this war actually fighting to expose the "elites", to bring light and truth to the sexual predation that occurs against women and children in particular, but also men, in Hollywood and other (((elite))) circles.
Rose McGowan is just the latest in a long line of heros who shall continue to be (((shut it down)))ed by the technorati ((("elite"))) from silicon valley:
As I've said to Razer and others - the censorship and suppression of any human right which you support today, WILL be used against you tomrrow.
The only people who refuse to heed this historically sad fact is those who think they are above or immune or otherwise (((chosen bastards))) and therefore assume they shall be protected against the tyranny to come.
Deny a human right, ANY human right, to someone you perceive to be your 'enemy', and, eventually, that power you granted/ accepted, shall be used against you and/ or against those you personally love.
If you love no one, you are perhaps beyond redemption…
Don't expect (((CNN))), (((The Jew York Times))), (((WaPo, the Washington Post))), (((Hollywood))), or any other Lame Stream "opinion maker" to fight the good fight - this fight is actually against them directly.
Good luck fellow souls,