4 Jan
4 Jan
5:29 a.m.
On 01/04/2019 05:09 AM, CANNON wrote:
On 01/03/2019 06:22 AM, Winter-chan wrote:
This is the thedarkoverlord here to deliver a message.
We're now calling this megaleak, the '9/11 Papers'. Keep giving us cyber-cash for cyber-cache.
Dark Overlord, twitter and pastebin keeps censoring you. Use decentralized/distributed mediums of communication. Or at least platforms that do not suppress free speech. Platforms or services based out of USA or China are notorious for suppressing free speech, censorship.
Happy 2019
And.... I should have read everything and current updates, before sending my last message. Pardon, My inbox is jumbled up with thousands of emails at the moment, still sorting through them.