You're absolutely right! Careful out there folks, a lot of people speak absolute hogwash and of course everybody knows you should ALWAYS trust the first lawyer you come across and NEVER read the paperwork they write up on important legal matters you happen to find yourself involved in. EVERYbody knows you should always blindly trust the first lawyer you come across. Glad we cleared that up - thanks Razer, Zenaan On Wed, Aug 30, 2017 at 08:20:35AM +0530, Abhayraj Naik wrote:
Z speaks so much bullshit it is amazing no one has cut his vocal cords off yet, he is probably the single biggest piss-off on this piss-off list.
On Tue, Aug 29, 2017 at 9:04 AM, Zenaan Harkness <zen@freedbms.net> wrote:
On Mon, Aug 28, 2017 at 07:51:02PM -0700, Razer wrote: ...
"I'm talking to my lawyers, and that's about all I can do right now,"
This is one of the major problems most folks face - they feel legally disempowered (and in terms of lack of legal education, they in fact are disempowered), and SECONDLY, they literally trust the first lawyer they speak to for assistance/help in the problem.
If your lawyer is one of (((them))) and actually directly opposed to you, then they will, literally legally fuck you over.
How this undermine is done, is very simple:
When your court case gets going, it gets going in a lower court.
Eventually, it might reach the highest courts.
When you head towards appeal into those higher courts, your lawyer (or if you've got more money she can drain from you) a barrister he subcontracts out to ("we need a specialist, gonna co$t lot$ of $"), will do precisely the following:
Phrase the question of law, or legal question to be put before the higher court, in a way which is guaranteed to cause that higher court to rule against you.
The art of lyering is to phrase such legal questions in a way which makes the client (that's you, the fat pidgeon) believe that the question is the appropriate question, whilst knowing that the said phrasing is actually arse up to what is needed if you are to have any hope of getting an actual win.
And then, even if you do get a question phrased in the right way, you may need significant community support behind you in order to convince the courts to go against the prevailing system/ government/ military funded Tor network, etc.
Stay awake folks, and be-aware/ beware of lyers in White Knight clothing.