Cecilia Tanaka cecilia.tanaka at gmail.com Sun Aug 20 23:53:42 PDT 2017
im dying im vegan no relevance
Lol, my dear, the next stage is anger, though I am unsure if you can ever reach it, being all full of non sense and non stop la, la, la...
vegan it's *my* problem, not yours.
Except that more individual animal lives are lost by monocropping and combine harvesting to feed a family soy for a month than are taken by hand to feed a small village for a month. Unless you believe that all the world's resources belong to certain groups, how you eat affects everybody. If you are always sick, you cost your community grief, economically and emotionally. And if you are always posting here about it instead of providing insight for, or even arguments against, any topic on this list, it affects us, too.
my rules,
Tell that to the government, lawlessanon.
stupid get a life slow no significance or intelligence loser
You **not me** have hate in your heart
Cry out in pain as you strike me. Nice tactic.
fake news
Nothing that I have posted is fake, and you know that.
hateful messages You just want to
Please do not decide for me my intentions. It is more hateful than to decide for me my gender. I am here for lulz. Sometimes people are fun. Most time people are faggots. Such is life.