[usefulness: sometimes we take voice recordings during times we have amnesia. often the audio is muffled. one of them was of somebody we really valued strongly what they said. this kind of approach could recover some words.] [i am so beat i want to just daydream that. could we reconstruct higher quality streams of audio of the speaker? i know we could, i dunno how. maybe 1-5 minutes of daydreaming this?] [... maybe? how would you do it ...?] [say we have a model that can produce tokens. we would then run it backward to make audio again?] [hmm yeah i don't know if models are reversible (they look like they would be? maybe i am totally wrong) but you could always train a new model as the inversion of the old.] [either of those ways, how would you isolate a single speaker?] [well that's different, separating channels] [ok let's expand to multiple people talking. can you transcribe different people?] [how would you identify them?] [you'd need isolated snippets of them talking] [hrm ... umm .. this is clearly doable but looks more compelx than interesting! i'd start by reversing one person talking.] [what about in an audiorecording, where who is talking switches] [i think i saw some models trained around this, identifying the speaker in each person] [say the model could identify the speaker. could you extract a profile of their voice? or a sample of them talking? or tag all the times they talk?] [yeah take those in reverse order and each one would produce the next] [huh] [so identifying the speakers would be important] [let's go back to reproducing the audio][just for fun i guess] [i dunno how to do that] [you'd train a model with two microphones] [but training a whole new model] [maybe you could od it with just a little of two microphoners, and mostly just invert the existing model?] [you'd need some extra channels for voice profile information] [where would those go if you were reversing the model?] [i guess you'd train both together, and they'd be additional outputs and inputs?] [maybe something we don't know here] [back to task 5 minutes up] [ok ummmm make a training loop]