"... Modern day indigenous folk, and their cultures, are on the verge of extinction (and mostly extinct), worldwide. Could you ask your people what they need, to support defending indigenous people? There are so few of them, there must be a way. ..." Well I violently oppose all racist doctrines and ideologies for a start. Take Marxism for example. Capital, vol. 3, chapter 47: “ The possibility is here presented for definite economic development taking place, depending, of course, upon favourable circumstances, inborn racial characteristics, etc...” Engels: (Marx and Engels, Selected Works, Vol. 3, p. 502.): “We regard economic conditions as the factor which ultimately determines historical development. But race is itself an economic factor ... ”. This pernicious nonsense of ' scientific ' racism needs to be stomped on with both feet. Marxist regimes represent a clear and present danger to all remaining indigenous peoples.