On 04/04/14 06:25, dan@geer.org wrote:
I fear we are on the edge of a rat-hole here. I forwarded Geoff's remarks as they are relevant, timely, and speak to the absence of simplistic nostrums in such matters, both because of the rising popular / political demand for comfort-and-safety and because the technologies that those charged with delivering comfort and safety use are COTS technologies. And dual use. Personally, I think of surveillance as just another tax, which you may safely assume is said through clenched libertarian cum Tea Party teeth.
Hi Dan, I like your idea of comparing being spied upon to paying tax. The similarities are striking: Like tax, I prefer to pay the least amount. Like tax, I can hire a professional that knows tax law inside out to find the (legal) loopholes. Like tax, it should be discussed in public. Like tax, society should strive to minimize the tax-burden. Like tax, we don't tax those to whom it doesn't apply. Regards, Guido.