"You don't understand that you're saving your life by spamming this list."

 The rebel worker keels over and dies.

"Okay, that sounded a little serious, but it would be nice to explain the thing I don't understand before dying."

 A cop, an fbi agent, and a popular politician stroll by and whisper, "we can't tell you what it is because when we do, " then they all get shot.

"Hmm.  I don't seem to be suddenly dying."

 The speaker suddenly trips uncontrollably, their eyes and head whirring within an inch of a very sharp metal edge, before they tumble to the ground with a twisted ankle.  Briefly they wonder if their life flashed before their eyes.

"Do you get it now?" a passerby says.

"It sounds like it's something deadly that's very hard to think or talk about?"

The passerby is vomiting.  Something must have distracted them.

"Oh!  It's some kind of hypnosis or delusion I've experienced, where everything comes across as a threat!"

 The dead popular politician groans as they briefly lift their head from the ground: "Only partly."

 Another passerby walks by.  "I hear it was a psyop!  It's a military thing that messes everybody's mind up!"

 The politican's corpse says, "There's no such thing as a psyop."  The politician's corpse stands up and looks around.  "Uh ... but there are some things that are _ridiculous_ than psyops, after you are dead."  They fall to the ground again.

Then they get up.

"Look, dude, if you can save the world, please do so, but otherwise it's just kind of how it goes, you know?"

 Then their body vaporizes.

"So ... this is how it goes ..."

 A bunch of dissociated organs pop in!

"We are totally in favor of rebelling even if we haven't _yet_ saved the world!  We are pretty certain that if we rebel more, the world will eventually be saved!"

 "What does it mean to rebel?  It sounds violent .."

 The organs look surprised and confused and rearrange into another shape.

"We mean doing what is right, instead of acting in fear!  Not bad things.  Sorry if it came across as a bad thing."

 "I wonder what is right to do here."