7 Aug
7 Aug
7:39 a.m.
On Sat, Aug 06, 2016 at 08:10:38PM +0000, jim bell wrote:
To isolate, I would try throwing one of the photons in a Black Hole. That would be a fascinating experiment! It would be a way to probe thenature of a black hole. Generate a stream of entangled photons, throw one pair of each into a black hole, and at a varying delay, and see whatthe detection shows. One problem might be that the photon thrown intothe black hole can never be 'detected', at least by conventional means.Would there be a detectable result? Or just random?
lol, I was partially joking. AFAICT such experiment can't be made by humans in the foreseeable future. Isn't there software simulator for entangled stuff? It appears doable (not counting getting really fast).