Actually, no more wearing of furs. Such sanity :/ Animal Rights Activist Stabs Other Woman for Wearing Fur http://dstormer6em3i4km.onion/animal-rights-activist-stabs-other-woman-for-wearing-fur/ You’ll never hear any of these vegtards complain about the millions of White people attacked by darkies every year. But someone somewhere wears fur, and they go postal. This is peak pathological altruism. Daily Mail: A woman has been arrested after she was accused of repeatedly stabbed another at an Ohio church because she was wearing fur. Meredith Lowell, 35, allegedly knifed the victim twice in the arm and once in the abdomen Wednesday afternoon at Fairmount Presbyterian Church in Cleveland’s at Coventry and Scarborough. The victim had taken children she was babysitting to choir practice and witnesses said a woman ‘suddenly appeared and walked through the wooden doors that leads to the main hall’ ... Police Chief Anne Mecklenburg said Lowell was previously charged with a knife attack on someone wearing fur last November in neighboring University Heights. That case is pending. In 2012 she was charged for hiring a hitman to kill a random fur-wearer but the case was dropped a year later after she was deemed incompetent to stand trial. ... Yep… she already tried twice before, and she was still free to walk the streets. This is fronthole privilege at its finest. ... ... Lowell exchanged messages with an undercover FBI agent posing as a hitman and offered about $700 to $900 and jewelry in exchange for the murder of a person wearing fur. She wrote in a message, according to court documents, ““ will pay you after you kill the person who is wearing fur at the above mentioned time and time of the year. You need to bring a gun that has a silencer on it and that can be easily concealed in your pants pocket or coat. Do not wear anything that even looks even remotely like fur.” Lowell added the hitman could instead use a knife. She wrote he could, “bring a sharp knife that is at least 4 inches long, it should be sharp enough to stab someone with and/or to slit their throat to kill them. … I want the person to be dead in less than 2 minutes.” She said she wanted the victim to be older than 12, preferably older than 14, but said anyone over 12 would be OK, according to the FBI. Lowell said she would be at the scene with anti-fur documents and, “I plan on staying after the hit for reasons of benefit to the movement. And think being caught would actually benefit me personally.”