thinking on forming a local idea of what to do if you get targeted always for trying to help, as a hacker i'm guessing it's' super important to form connections with noncorrupt people, whether near or far, vague or clear. can be pretty hard to do. have also found it's helpful to form friendship with corrupt people, can ease things and provide small avenues, but quite dangerous. hard for me to think about that danger. was thinking of drafting or finding more clear ideas, like a digital zine some day maybe. for taking down govcorp families and secret service agencies while they are staring at you. seems an important topic. not sure how somebody would safely share stuff like that, but seems important. big idea of mutual aid, where noncorrupt workers and skilled targets and others work and help each other. it seems clear work and information are needed in places they could be provided. seems helpful to say certain things to workers who might have been influenced to guide interactions away from those things. same can be true locally, having been influenced not to say these things. kind of like finding the spot that works. therapist really seemed interested in helping when i shared how scared i am of making money. just sharing very nascent idea, roughly.