On Sat, Jun 03, 2017 at 07:03:42PM +1000, James A. Donald wrote: ...
And similarly, when Flash Gordon travels to the far stars, it turns out that an evil corporation run by white heterosexual patriarchal males is oppressing blue skinned tree living aliens to steal their natural resources ... bad, and extremely harmful to all other kinds of creatures.
This endless insulting, ignorant, stupid, and offensive hectoring happens all the time, everywhere, on every topic, in every medium, on every platform, from Facebook to Twitter, from Scientific American to Marvel comics, from romance novels to first person shooter games, and if you complain, you are racist, sexist, homophobic, Islamophobic, and a denier and you get banned. Observe for example that the only people allowed to be good fathers on television or the comics are blacks, and even black males are still required to have broken families. Evidently the depiction of a good father ruling over a happy family is homophobic, bastardphobic, sexist, racist, whatever.
Recall that the movie "Man in a high castle" used a happy intact family on its poster as a symbol of Nazism. https://www.cinematerial.com/tv/the-man-in-the-high-castle-i1740299/p/iyn0ja...
We are so accustomed to being lectured, shouted at, and spat upon that the shouting is felt to be normal and non political, and any easing up of the shouting and the spitting, as for example a science fiction writer who gives us a science fiction story rather than a lecture, is deemed to be extreme right wing politics. If you hoist an umbrella against the spit, you are a Nazi and you are planning to murder the Jews. And you probably really are a Nazi and probably really are planning to murder the Jews, because only really hard cases like actual Nazis planning to murder actual Jews are willing to defy public opinion by hoisting an umbrella against being spat upon.
Holy firetruck!!! Speak it brother. Please don't stop. Thank you. (Let's dance around the camp fire as we wait for 3 seconds for the shouts of "check your privilege, you nasty white heterosexual Privileged male!" :D :D )
To deal with this problem, people are developing alt tech, for example gab.ai, which is Twitter without mandatory left wing propaganda all the time on every topic. Similarly 8chan is a reaction to the endless tedious left wing agitation and fierce censorship of 4chan
The most interesting conversations are happening on secretive invitation only sites, because it is only safe to say true things on a secretive invitation only site.
So, what I am thinking of is a way to integrate secretive invitation only sites in a messaging network of public sites.
It would be nice if when you clicked on a commenters id, you got a link to his posts, and to his comments on other people's posts - but if some of these posts and comments were on invitation only sites, you would only see those comments and posts if you were able to browse those sites, if you could have seen those comments and posts without necessarily following the link, and, more importantly, only be able to detect the existence of such comments and posts if you were able to browse those sites. Even if you were using special software, not the regular client but a hostile client, you should not be able to detect that the commenter posts to secretive websites, or that such websites exist.
Once you link public ID to private ID, the imposters, CIA, NSA and the rest of the TLAs who actually want to connect you, will fake being "right wing" or "pro white" or whatever it is required to get your secret handshake invite to your secret "darknet" forum, and thereafter expose you. Another obvious and common attack/ connection vector is the turncoat, the "yellow dog" who rats on any and all to save some irrelevant part of his own "skin". There can never be no silver bullet! If you cannot or will not speak publicly that which you wish to say, then you must strictly separate your non-public ID (or have multiple for different purposes...) That which you could possibly speak publicly, you ought speak publicly. It is in the interests of sanity that we encourage one another in the art of speaking more on those things we wish to see publicly spoken, to speak closer to the razer's edge, in ways which compel adult conversations publicly. "If not me, then who?" Good luck fellow humans,