On 9/19/15, Zenaan Harkness <zen@freedbms.net> wrote:
Here's the full (20min, 60MB interview) youtube link from the bottom of the article below, which is kind of needed since then you can hear the full interview (the questioner and the other side): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KmQw6CryE9M
USAGov/CIA lies - back then (August 2013) as we see in this interview team USA was saying 'We don't want regime change - we just want a limited (100 frigate-based missiles) strike against key Syria targets to send a message that chemical warfare is not ok', whilst: a) the leaked emails from a few days before the interview already showed that it was not Assad government, but 'terrorist' chemical warfare actions (not Assad govt) which also were a false flag done by CIA, and b) today we see team USA saying 'Assad must go, regime change is required to protect human rights'
"Assad must go" is definitely the new chant: http://russia-insider.com/en/politics/assad-must-go-no-american-arrogance-mu...