On 11/9/21, jim bell <jdb10987@yahoo.com> wrote:
Another fun patent / application. Now the trick is how to translate the foul non-Libertarian Queen's Patent of Govt, into a voluntary Libertarian society. Anyone could register ideas on any blockchain. The invention would surely be copied and used with few if any actionables possible within greater actual freedom. But truly licensed licensing, if anyone bothered to seek such a thing, could be enforced, but by what, prediction market bounty hunters, lol. The more likely future is reversion to private sponsors patrons of artists, inventors, etc... a form of voluntary mutually beneficial and protective arrangement. And the potential for DAO versions of that. Drawback there is the default to non open publication, thus as in medieval times, potentially slower or costlier mashups of all available tech occurring to create new tech. So then there is reputational value, inventions being open and essentially worthless, but the inventors being highly prized and compensated for generating first access to new things. ratbats can troll away as usual.