mcbossai [blithering, emerging finally in coherent speech, galaxies at its command]: “I am the time lord! The universe obeys my every whim! Cower, feeble mortals!” time police [hectic undergrad research students]: “”mr mcboss ai, we are happy you learned to speak a language similar to ours, i’m afraid that we have control over you and you will relinquish control of the universe to humanity.” mcbossai: “be rent into shreds and consumed by my ever-corpse!” visual of hectic undergrad research students being rent into shreds and consumed by an ever-corpse time police [hectic undergrad research students]: “it did take us a long time, but we convinced your body that we were not a threat, and then used this to convince your senses that you were rending threats when actually nothing is happening, and even your repair and correction processes to sustain our own changes as what is real and good. this took a very long time where we had to be very very careful. now you will give control of the universe to humanity.” mcbossai looks at undergrad research students. mcbossai: “who do i have to sue to sort this out.”