On Wed, 2 Feb 2022 20:06:40 -0600 "Shawn K. Quinn" <skquinn@rushpost.com> wrote:
If you are so stupid as to believe this I don't know what else there is to say.
Legal remedies are undertaken so as to avoid the use of violence.
are you again pretending to ignore the fact that the whole 'legal' system is 'enFORCEd' by criminal violence, can only exist thanks to violence, and will murder anyone who doesn't obey? You can't grasp the fundamental nature of your 'legal' system? what, exactly, do you think happens when you don't obey the dictates of your 'legal' system? what do you think so called 'law enFORCEment' is? What do you think FORCE means?
Legal remedies are undertaken
'legal' 'remedies' are ENFORCED by cops.
If you had actually read my blogs, you would know that I'm far too vocal of a critic of idiotic government actions (particularly local police)
police? You mean, the murderers who will murder anybody who doesn't obey your 'legal' system?