Very little from Snowden's many years as CIA employee prior to short-term as NSA contractor has been revealed. Turf battles between the two agencies are legendary, including planting their spies in each other's innards. CIA favors human agents, NSA technology. This suggests Snowden was a CIA implant to out (selective) NSA technology. If so, it certainly worked, at least for a while until NSA used the operation to beef up funding for new and possibly stronger technology. Just look at its vast construction of MD tech temples and recruiting at universities. To be sure all the 9/11-fattened spies benefited from Snowden's operation, and in that his op is hardly new, the spies have been running breaches for decades to enhance funding and deepening secrecy. They all work in concert at this, exchanging tips and perks with foreign spies. Leaks, aka unauthorized disclosures, have been part of this from day one of spying, not just modern, but also ancient, even neanderthal. Spies beget spies, secrecy begets secrecy, ostensible betrayals beget ostensible betrayals. Favored journalists beget favored journalists. Outlaw mavericks beget the same. The sanctimonious name "national security" is a relatively new moniker, circa 1947 in he US, but so are nations rather than royalties and theocracies. One way to tell who runs the shows is by looking at their self-vaunting monuments. In the case of CIA and NSA, look at their infrastructure for humans and technology, respectively. Digital technology is an NSA operation, for example, journalism and academia run by CIA. Division between the two established by the National Security Act of 1947. CIA remained ostentatously above board, NSA hiding behind No Such Agency. I assume Snowden is still working for CIA, bound by a secrecy agreement until he dies, not the secrecy-porous for NSA contractors. Presumbably Moscow assesses him this way, and will persistently suck his mind and blood as they run his worldwide recruiting operation in cahoots with CIA, NSA hot on their heels but winded by obesity. Greenwald is a vain, useful idiot in this charade. So too Assange. Mammon bless their Oscar-winning entertaining foolhardiness, aka "influence." Both tailoring bespoke regalia for Trump's royalist "L'état, c'est moi." At 08:27 PM 12/8/2018, juan wrote:
On Sat, 8 Dec 2018 19:26:46 -0500 Steve Kinney <admin@pilobilus.net> wrote:
On 12/8/18 3:41 PM, juan wrote:
On Sat, 8 Dec 2018 13:44:22 -0500 Steve Kinney <admin@pilobilus.net> wrote:
Greenwald distributed the PRISM documents to several press outlets, at least one of which edited them before release per side by side comparison of published versions. (Or, more than one version was distributed by Greenwald for whatever reason.)
So it seems likely that Snowden got his information about how and where the documents were forwarded to news outlets from Greenwald himself.
I didn't see evidence for that.
Because Snowden's tale includes how he failed to find a journalist, any journalist, who was interested in his materials /and/ capable of communicating via an encrypted channel.
Yes but that doesn't add up.
So he had to settle for film maker Poitras, and attorney & partisan political talking head Greenwald - just because Poitras was willing/able to use TOR and/or GPG.
The story I remember is that he wanted to contact greenwald and that greenwald was too retarded to know how to use pgpg.
Before delivering docs to Greenwald, nobody in the news biz would talk to Snowden, at least not on his terms. After, he had no opportunity to do any more handoffs.
Snowden's tale of how "journalists" should decide what to release strikes me as a cover story, explaining away his failure to send the docs to Wikileaks
by 'failure' you mean he just didn't want to send them to wikileaks because wilileaks would actually publish the stuff?
I guess in the end it doesn't matter if he gave the docs only to greenwald or to a couple more journos. But granted, if only greenwald got them in the first place then yes, that's even more suspect.
and have done with them, vs. throwing away his entire life, more or less, via contrived-looking cloak and dagger bullshit.
You mean he could have leaked the docs without being detected? Maybe, I guess.