You seem very emotionally attached to sigaint.

As for your comments earlier with regards to morals and ethics, if you provide an anti surveillance service then you'd expect a trustworthy service to take a very anti-surveillance stance and refuse to deal with corps that are part of the surveillance machine.
It is the very basis of who sigaint is and yet they seem happy to be associated with Cloudflare, raises questions in my mind about who they really work for or how much they care about those they are supposed to serve.

On 13 September 2016 19:09:16 GMT+01:00, Mirimir <> wrote:
On 09/13/2016 10:22 AM, Razer wrote:

On 09/13/2016 08:53 AM, Mirimir wrote:
On 09/13/2016 08:00 AM, Razer wrote:

On 09/12/2016 11:26 PM, Mirimir wrote:
On 09/13/2016 12:18 AM, oshwm wrote:
The difference is you have the chinese knocking on your front door and are blocking them whereas you are willingly giving the secrets of your browsing across multiple sites to a single organisation whose CEO has links to the US DoD (arguably more damaging and interventionist than the chinese).
You will then be profiled and your future actions predicted and even influenced in order to protect the interests of the US MIC.
Nope, nothing to worry about from Cloudflare at all :D

My advice is: if an organsation touches Cloudflare then you shouldn't touch that organisation.

You're missing the fucking point!

Using Sigaint for email has nothing to do with CloudFlare. You can't
even hit Sigaint webmail, except as a Tor onion service. CloudFlare
doesn't proxy mailserver connections. It's just their fucking website.

Unless you have some actual evidence, you're just blowing smoke ;)

What if I told you... They might direct you to the fed's exit nodes.

Dude, you're just bullshitting. There are no exit nodes in onion service
connections. There are two Tor circuits, one specified and built by the
user, and the other specified and built by the onion service, and they
meet at the rendezvous point. Who do you think is influencing that, and
how? Are you accusing Sigaint of being compromised, or just ragging on
them because they use CloulFlare?

In order for Sigaint to exchange messages with clearnet mailservers,
they must have gateways. And those gateways are obviously points of
attack. But I pretty fucking sure that Sigaint uses transport security
with clearnet mailservers. And everything ought to be GnuPG encrypted,
so I don't particularly care how mail from Sigaint gets routed out in
clearnet. Important stuff should never leave onionland, anyway :)

...and some journalist or NoDAPL activist knows this right?

They fucking ought to!

I'm going to say it again. Tor is barely passable if you're going to
risk your freedom or life. Throw cloudflare anywhere in that mix and
it's no longer even passable. I'd trust twitter DM before I'd trust
Cloudflare. At least they demand a court order and resist orders they
think are bogus. Cloudflare... HAve they ever publicly stated any info
regarding court orders? I'm not seeing it.

Forget about CloudFlare. They don't play any substantive role in
Sigaint. You're just making one of those emotional arguments, based on
nothing but superficial associations and scare tactics. Without any
substantial understanding of the situation. Can't you do better?

But you never know it until you're in prison or dead, and you'd STILL
never find out about it. In court discovery motions the prosecutor would
claim their source is DHS-affiliated and to name it would cause problems
catching terrorists or some other bullshit, and a judge WILL buy that.

But dude, that's all about CloudFlare. Nothing to do with Sigaint.

Why not just let the DHS handle your tormail for you? That's what you're
doing, and yes I am ABSOLUTELY ragging on Cloudflare and the scumbucket
who operates it. He's the feds BFF and has been for a long time and I
WOULD NEVER trust any secure communications to his company.

So rag on CloudFlare all you want. Just stop spreading ignorant FUD
about Sigaint!


Ps. Don't trust anybody if YOUR life and freedom depend on it.

Further, you have no control whatsoever over the routing of emails sent
from SigAint.

It doesn't matter much.

As far as blowing smoke, they don't let you smoke in Federal prisons
anymore. As was rehashed in the Tor discussions over and over and over
again, would you depend in it (Tor or 'TorFlare') if your freedom or
life depended on it? I always said 'Tor gives you the time to send your
shit and gtfo of the wireless cafe and that's about it'. If it's
'TorFlare', they'll catch you 'on the way out the door'.

You're full of shit, bro.

"You hide. They seek" ~Proverbs for Paranoids, Thomas Pynchon, Gravity's

Available in full @ Google Books:

On 13 September 2016 06:31:37 GMT+01:00, Mirimir <> wrote:
On 09/12/2016 11:24 PM, juan wrote:
On Mon, 12 Sep 2016 23:09:55 -0600
Mirimir <> wrote:

Ddos attacks are exactly like terrorism. Carried by the same the Department of False Flags.

It muct be nice to have such simple answers to everything ;)

You really got me Mirimir. We should thank the US military for
cloudflare too. The internet really started to work a coupl of
years ago, thanks of course, to cloudflare.

Don't get me wrong. I hate CloudFlare. It's fucking stupid to break
HTTPS security as MitM in order to protect clueless against DDoS.
adversaries can takeover sites if their interaction with CloudFlare
isn't adequately secured. And I hate having to deal with their fucking
CAPTCHAs when I'm using Tor.

But as much as I hate US military, I don't delude myself that they're
the only assholes out there. Maybe the most resourceful assholes. And
the most arrogant assholes. But far from the only ones. It's the
Chinese that seem to beat at every SSH server that I run :( But then
you'll say that it's just americunts pretending to be Chinsese ;)

Sent from my Android device with K-9 Mail. Please excuse my brevity.