On 09/03/2017 12:05 PM, Steve Kinney wrote:
On 09/02/2017 09:06 PM, grarpamp wrote:
A "store" for SK's top 10% wealth transfer? Lol, designed. Less time hobbled on "psychedelics". More time on "revolutin". Or at least gettin hippie dirty, jiggystyle. Crypto rave, on.
As an unwitting participant in either one of the last MKULTRA era experiments, or an independent M.D.'s "good deed for the day," I have a special relationship with LSD: I got microdosed twice a week for six weeks in 1972, and that experience went a long way toward making me whatever the fuck I am today. A few years later I thought I was taking LSD for the first time... but then came the "Hello old friend!" moment.
Woah. So do you remember, back in 1972, what you thought was happening? And yes, that acid come on is unmistakable ;)
Never underestimate the power of the psychedelics: Our de facto masters don't, and that is why LSD is on the very short list of illegal drugs not readily available to anyone who goes looking. Everybody who's hip to the jive /says/ they can get acid, but ask if it's real and they look at their shoes and mumble. ...
Reportedly good blotter has been available on SR etc. I still have some from the 80s. I sealed lots of blotter in evacuated glass ampules. It's been frozen since, at -20°C or less. On dry ice when I've moved. I last tried some about ten years ago, and it was fine. <SNIP>