13 Apr
13 Apr
7:06 p.m.
Mirimir mirimir at riseup.net Tue Apr 11 04:49:22 PDT 2017
connections through Tor ought to be traceable
They are, fucker: globe.rndm.de atlas.torproject.org torflow.uncharted.software collector.torproject.org And I am sure there are more ways to track the goyim: metrics.torproject.org blog.torproject.org/category/tags/metrics trac.torproject.org/projects/tor/wiki/org/teams/MetricsTeam lists.torproject.org/pipermail/metrics-team/ And the tool used to study their efforts guised as the opposite: ooni.torproject.org You wouldn't be trying to trick the children that read this list in the future, now, are you, vpnanon ?