More hypocrites frauds corrupts liars the US Democrat Party at its very essence since decades, appalling that so many people worship them...
Hillary Clinton's Trump/Russia Media Strategy Revealed In Day 4 Of Sussmann Trial
@thebradfordfile Melamine tainted baby formula made in China sold in USA Abbott, Nestle, Mead Johnson, and Perrigo are basically the only companies that make formula, but you can't only blame these mother fuckers. The FDA has strict standards for who makes formula and even where the formula is made which is why there there's only 4 companies doing 90% of the work, and there are basically no formula imports once again due to the FDA and so when one of our major factories went down anyone involved in this business knew there was going to be a shortage, which of course the FDA also knew and did nothing about. Obviously, regulations play the bigger role here and even enabled the corporations to have a 4-way monopoly on baby formula. This is what happens when the government intervenes with the supposed free market.