I disagree.
Therefore, the one and only effective way to get back freedom is to shutdown the tyranny. Maybe weapons are required, like in the US independence war, maybe a massive amount of people is required, like we east germans did in 1989.
Anything else are illusions.
Valid points. I don't pin much hope on violence, though. Violent revolution has never produced any type of long-lasting freedom. At best, a short respite from tyranny.. like lancing an infection to let out just enough pus to relieve the pain, but no antibiotics for a cure. US independence is a great example. Their declaration of independence lists charges against the King of England. Today, it strongly parallels the US government's lesser infractions. All violence does is to transfer power to a new group, and perhaps consolidate it further. It does nothing to dissipate it. Mass scale strikes or protests might have a better chance. At least that sets a foundation not predicated on violence, and therefore coercion, which is the premise of all government and all tyrannies. I don't see insurrection as a real way forward, just an outlet for inevitable frustration before we start the cycle over again. Maybe that is inevitable, but I don't like to believe that.